How does a round tubular bamboo material lend itself to toy making? This question was running on Jalandhara's mind (pictured below) when he joined our training one fine summer morning in 2021.
But strangely, bamboo is very well suited to toy-making. Consider the fact that it is hollow, and once we are ready to work with the cylindrical, variable shape, it is a blank canvas waiting for a design to be made upon it!
Below is the process our team has learnt through the past few years of making these products.
Bamboo treatment giving it insect-resistance
Drying- preferrably for more than 6 months- this is called seasoning, reducing chances of cracking.
Cutting to size
Skin removal
Drawing the outline
Hand-carving the shape
Fitting panels
Making wheels and axles
Finishing with nitrocellulose sanding sealer and lacquers.
Here Jalandhara is fitting wheels to a biplane. He has learnt through the past few years how to use his hand-skills to convert a raw piece of bamboo into a functional work of art! It is satisfying to see the raw skill of youth being translated into high quality craftsmanship, and we are deeply grateful to be on this journey with him.
